Using videos and interactive stories with our kindergartners is an amazing resource to use because is engaging and allows teacher display more information, and enhance student learning.
I'm familiar with Discovery Education and I've used that one often.
I couldn’t embed a YouTube video about Spanish Alphabet, I just pasted address and it is very interactive and fun to remember.
I visited several sites and I signed for Teacher Tube and School Tube because they had good videos, but not too many. I embedded these videos about Spanish Alphabet and Needs of an Animal
The other sites were good too and they had so many things to choose. Since I hadn't done this before, it's going to take me a little while to learn how to navigate them.
I learned about copyright and fair use is that the laws are not very clear but as long as something is used for instructional purposes it's okay. Also you can not publish to the public in general, only to a secure site and for educational purposes. It’s a good idea to check with our librarian about copyrights.
I think Picasa and Flickr are great sites where we can find many photos and I will definitely use them with my students this year.
Great. Remind me that I need to show you about Paint. I am so glad that you got the videos embeded. Great work.