Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tool 8: Taking a Look at the Tools

As a Kindergartner teacher here at PSE I will have access to iPod touches and netbooks. As a result, I will be able to sync them to my personal laptop. I think one of the first things I will need to do is schedule in time for teaching the children how to log into the netbooks and teach procedures.

I am hoping to use the iPod touch as a workstation for additional review and practice for mathematics as well as grammar and word work.

There are a lot of trainings in Atomic Learning to get more familiar with these devices. When I watched the tutorial videos, I was excited to hear that the netbooks come with a webcam and camera already intact! This feature could be used for the class to monitor their growth in a certain content area or for students to evaluate their own performance on a certain assignment. For example, the students could be recorded in a guided reading group at the beginning and end of a nine weeks period and the teacher could play the videos back to them in order to increase their motivation and give them a visual of their progress.

1 comment:

  1. The camera also lets the kids Skype with others, either other Kinder classes or other things. You are so close to being finished. Way to go.
